Hixon Teacher Preparation

Hixon Teacher Preparation Program

Adelaide Hixon
Teacher Preparation Program
Supplemental Questions
  1. What are some reasons why you are interested in becoming a teacher?
  2. Can you describe 1-2 experiences (personal, work-related, or course related), that speak to your commitment to teaching and education.
  3. If you are working with (or have worked with) younger children, ages 0-5, please answer the following:
    • Are you currently working or are you a parent? Share your motivations and challenges.
    • In what capacity? What is the one thing you are the proudest of or that you have accomplished professionally?
  4. Are you currently part of the Hixon Teacher Preparation Program?
  5. Have you taken any Education (EDUC) and/or Child Development (CHDV) courses at PCC? If so, which ones?
  6. Please upload a current copy of your PCC Transcript, showing all courses completed.
  7. Please upload a copy of your CURRENT class schedule at PCC.
  8. What grade level are you interested in teaching?
  9. Have you applied for a transfer or been accepted into a transfer university?
    • If so, please list the schools.
    • Transfer
  10. Please provide a name and email address for a PCC Faculty member OR a professional reference who has agreed to submit a reference speaking to your potential for becoming a teacher.
  11. If you have already taken the CBEST Exam, please list when you completed it and what were the results?
  12. Show 6 more