Kaiser Permanente Scholarship for Radiologic Technology

The Kaiser Permanente Scholarship was created to encourage PCC RadTech students to continue their education and reward outstanding students so they may gain the professional imaging skills, training, and experience necessary to join the ranks of Radiologic Technology professionals.

The Kaiser Permente Scholarship was created to encourage Pasadena City College, Radiologic Technology Students to continue their education and reward outstanding students so they may gain the professional imaging skills, training and experience necessary to join the ranks of the Radiologic Technology professionals. Awards will be based on a combination of scholastic achievement and commitment on the part of the applicant(s) to the imaging profession.

PLEASE NOTE: Applicant must be completing or completed their first semester in the Radiologic Technology Program at the time of application. Scholarship selection will be awarded upon satisfactory completion of all of the Radiologic Technology curriculum in the spring semester. Submit the application through Academic Works along with supporting documentation by the deadline date. (failure to follow directions will nullify the application).

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write an essay describing personal goals, achievements, and accomplishments during your tenure in the RT program. Examples may include personal experiences with chronic illnesses, volunteer activities, first generation college attendees, or previous health care experience.
  2. Please upload a current copy of your PCC Transcript, showing all courses completed.
  3. Please upload a copy of your CURRENT Class Schedule
  4. Please share any extracurricular activities you may have participated in while enrolled in the RadTech program.
  5. Professional Association Memberships
    • Are you a member of a professional organization (ASRT, CSRT, etc.)?
    • If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please upload a copy of your official membership letter or membership card which includes a beginning and renewal date.
  6. Please write down a name and email address from the Clinical Instructor from your clinical site (letter should address attendance, technical skills, professionalism, critical thinking, communication skills and following directions.
  7. Please include the name and email address for another professional individual employed in the radiology field who can provide a letter of reference.
  8. Please upload a picture of your Lancer ID Card
  9. Please update your proof of elibility to work in the United States. This may include any/all of the following: Social Security Card, Driver's License or Resident ID, US Passport, Work Visa, Completed I-9 form.
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