The Rourke Family Foundation
The Rourke Family Foundation was founded by Daniel and Donna Rourke to provide scholarship funds to deserving students in need of financial assistance to complete their education. Daniel received a scholarship to attend a prep school in New England. The education he received enabled him to attend Harvard University. An uncle helped Daniel with the tuition at Harvard. When Daniel tried to pay his uncle after graduation, his uncle told him to pay it forward, and so the Rourke Family Foundation was created. Daniel Rourke passed away in 2010.
The Rourke Family Scholarship award helped me immensely while studying here at Pasadena City College. Transitioning from full-time employment to being a full-time student comes with quite a bit of financial uncertainty. The Rourke Family Scholarship assisted with academic financial needs as well as aiding in being able to provide food and housing while being in school full-time.
—Sequoia Thompson, 2015 Recipient