The Donald R. Hight R.N. Scholarship
Donald Hight was born October 21, 1958 and died January 6, 2015 from a heart attack. He entered Pasadena Community College’s R.N. program when he was over 40. After several years of hard work, he graduated and became a licensed registered nurse. He found great joy and satisfaction in this profession, especially working with adolescents at a psychiatric hospital.
Perceptive, intelligent and resourceful, Donald had varied careers, from finish carpenter to tow truck driver, from Starbucks barista to chauffeur—and of course, nurse.
Donald was interested in many subjects, from automotive design to zoology. He enjoyed sharing his knowledge of chemistry, biology and above all astronomy; he volunteered for Mars One, the group seeking to establish a human colony on Mars.
Donald’s medical training made him a valuable caregiver for his late father, Thomas Hight. His mother Ann Hight credits Donald’s care in large measure for her successful recovery from a fall.
The Hight family—mother Ann, daughter Lindsey and brother Jim—established this scholarship in Donald’s name to support PCC nursing students.